


Small Retailers Deserve the Best, Happy New Year!

I would like to take this time to wish all of you small specialty retailers a prosperous and happy New Year. Ross Perot said something that I always remembered; Money beyond the amount it takes to pay your bills is the most overrated thing in the world. Being a billionaire, he obviously didn’t understand the full meaning. Your small business is your livelihood, a way of life and retirement fund. We would like to think, ProphetLine POS Software/Retail Systems can help you get there.

We spend all of our time trying to figure ways to enhance our product to better enable you to maximize your profits. ProphetLine is not perfect, but we strive to make it better every day. When you purchase ProphetLine, all the bells and whistles are included. We do not sell an entry level, stripped down version to entice you buy and then nickel and dime you to pay more and add functionality. We build in all the functionality you would expect to find in quality POS Software and accounting, customer marketing, internet communications and much more. Start the New Year out right and make a resolution to improve the quality of your business and life. HAPPY NEW YEAR!