


A Web Presence is the Least Expensive Way to Expand

Customers expect to see the companies they do business with have a web site. Maybe they don’t buy through it, but they look for products on your site and find out about you on other sites. It is the least expensive and quickest way to expand your business. ProphetLine Web’s unique capabilities make it perfect for ‘click-and-brick’ retailers and users of ProphetLine POS Software. ProphetLine integrates seamlessly with your web site and is controlled from the (POS) point of sale software. Adding items to display and sell on the web is as simple as checking a box within ProphetLine for Windows. The system will then transmit the images to the web site. Web orders are downloaded automatically into your ProphetLine POS Software for fulfillment. Customers are shared, so you always know who they are and what they are buying. Quite simply, this is the easiest and most comprehensive way to get your business on the web!

A well run web store probably will not instantly double your business, but can add an additional 10% to your sales in the first year. This figure represents a small portion of your overall sales and pouring in excessive dollars is senseless. Because you have a minimum investment with the ProphetLine Web Store, a smaller sales result can still mean big profits. Best of all, a web site markets your products 24/7 and can be leased inexpensively.