


Clarity of Communication and Your Bottom Line

I received the following Dilbert panel (click here for full Dilbert)today from a friend stating ‘this is you’.


Dilbert 5-8-2007


He’s right, but how many times have we all receive that documentary e-mail with more pages than War and Peace, no paragraphs or line breaks and is a massive clump of plain text? Then to top it off, once you finish reading it you are still unsure what it said, why you received it or even if it was to you. Miscommunication, lack of a common terminology and vague information can cause/cost lots of damage. Here are some tips from Lee Froschheiser of MAP (Management Action Programs) Consulting on communicating clearly. Read the full article and get more detail on the below points by clicking here.

Here’s the primer and some of its salient points:

1. Prepare how you will communicate.

  • Clarify the goal of the communication.
  • Plan carefully before sending it or having the meeting.
  • Anticipate the receiver’s viewpoint and feelings.

2. Deliver the message.

  • Express your meaning with conviction.
  • Relate the message to your larger goals.
  • Identify the action that needs to be taken.
  • Confirm the other person is understanding.

3. Receive the message.

  • Always keep an open mind.
  • Identify the key points in the message.
  • Value constructive feedback and use it to grow.
  • Confirm your understanding.

4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the communication afterwards.

5. Take corrective action as necessary.