


Competitors Spend on Technology, Including Point of Sale (POS) Software, You Don’t, What Now?

Sounds like tennis to me; point, set, match, game over! You don’t have to break the bank in your IT spending, but you do need to spend enough to match or beat your competitors. Depending on the size and type of retail business, anywhere from 1 to 3 percent is a number that should be set aside for your technology budget. Most growth in spending for small retailers is in POS Software, supply-chain solutions, warehouse management, CRM applications and business analytics. I think most small retailers should spend closer to the 1 percent than the 3 percent. That means for a small retailer doing $500,000 a year in business, a little over $400 a month should be budgeted for in-house retail systems.

ProphetLine Point of Sale (POS) Software has all the above mentioned components in one seamless application that will allow you to beat your competitors. You can subscribe to the software for less that most POS Software vendors charge you for support and updates alone. Our subscription model gives you software, support, updates and upgrades for one low monthly fee of $187. There is also no long term contract to sign, which guarantees that we will work hard to keep your business. Call today to enhance your business and keep your technology budget under 1 percent.