Customer Retention Pays Big Dividends
It’s crazy why all of the wireless retailers play their little games with pricing plans, unlimited calls to a group and perks to gain new customers. The thing they don’t realize is it costs six times more to get a new customer than retain an existing customer with good customer service. You must be proactive by using information gained from the previous transactions of your customers to identify their needs, preferences and keep them informed of products that they have an interest in. All their previous transactions should be run through POS Software that will display their past purchasing history with one easy push of a button. What would happen if you walked into a retail establishment and the clerk immediately knew your favorite styles, colors, your exact size, birthday and other pertinent information that was obtained directly from a user definable screen at the Point of Sale terminal? You would probably be impressed that they cared that much about your business.
With ProphetLine POS Software, all of that is a reality and much more. Email marketing directly out of the POS software with user definable queries, free gift card transactions, loyalty programs and much more. Anything your competitor can do, you can do better. Retailers must become customer focused and recognize the monetary value of a long term and stable customer relationship. All large companies are doing this and you can to for a very small amount of money.