


Does Your POS Software SUCK?

When your POS Software Sucks, You Feel Trapped, Don’t You?

We Have Some Simple and Cost Effective Solutions!

1) You can subscribe to ProphetLine POS Software for a low monthly fee. No long term contract. You have an option to purchase when you find out ProphetLine is the right POS software for your business and subscription money spent will apply toward purchase. If you decide to purchase, you will receive a trade-in for your current POS software.

2) Stay on subscription and let us be your technical and support staff.

3) Purchase and we will give you a liberal trade-in for your current POS software.

4) Hold status quo, do nothing and be unhappy. Your choice!

Only a quality POS Software Company with great support can be confident enough in their product to give you a no risk, month to month rate without a contract.