Don’t Hide From Your POS Software Customers
Published March 1, 2010
I always wonder why some company presidents or managers are so hard to get hold of and layer themselves with multiple people answering their calls. The simple reason is they don’t want to talk with you if you have anything negative to say. Your customers have a unique perspective on your product and your competitors. Running a POS Software company is where you really need to listen to your customers and they may not always be right, but they do have useful insight to your product and the marketplace.
There is a reason I put my email address and direct number on all the correspondence I send out and that is to make sure all your needs are taken care of. Being able to contact the POS software manager directly means faster, more efficient and more reliable service when you need it most. That customer input can then be relayed directly to the support staff and you need to have an answer now. Nothing can be more frustrating than needing to know how to perform a certain task or having a bug in the product and not getting a good resolution to the problem. If you don’t get your support from the people that develop and work with the POS software every day, are you really getting the reliable answers you need?