Don’t Over Analyze Your POS Software Decision
Every POS software product has certain feature sets that fit a need better than others, but you need to look at the total picture and not just a small portion of the product. ProphetLine POS/retail management software is a very rich and proven software package that has been on the market for many years. It is designed for retailers of hard- and soft-goods, such as apparel, sporting goods, and other types of specialty retail. These retailers typically have certain features that are required, such as size-color matrix, serial number tracking, customer tracking, accounts receivable, and multi-store support. A good POS software product will have these features and others considered must have for the specialty retail market. If your business is mostly accounts receivable, then it is imperative that the software properly manage accounts receivable, such as invoicing, statement generation, and reporting. ProphetLine also has many features not found in other systems, especially for many micro-verticals within specialty retail, so it is literally designed for hundreds of different types of retailers and is rarely a bad fit for most of them.
Sometimes retailers get caught up in the fact that they are looking for a system that does not exist. If you can find a POS software package that is 90 to 95% of what you are looking for straight out of the box, then it might be easier to alter your business processes rather than reinvent the wheel and go through the headaches of massive enhancements. Small retailers spend so much time trying to find this elusive software that immediate improvements in their business are lost. If you’ve been searching for months or years, spoken with over 5 or 10 companies, and have yet to find the perfect POS software, you may be losing sight of what your original goal was and that is improving the profitability of you business. As you evaluate POS software, when a feature is missing, ask yourself how important is that feature to the overall goal of business improvement. Make a list of the must have features and don’t confuse them with the†it would be nice to have features.†Choosing and buying point of sale/POS software is an important task – just don’t little things get in the way.