


I Have the Numbers From My POS Software, Now What?

ProphetLine POS Software collects all the data at the inception of the transaction and runs everything seamlessly throughout the product. Though years of working with retailers and developing POS Software, ProphetLine has developed easy to follow and simple to obtain reporting. These necessary reports are a concise summary of easy to understand data to make positive decisions from, not just a list with hard to understand information. All of the POS Software information is aggregated into the comprehensive Retail Stock Ledger. ProphetLine POS Software then takes this information and builds quick view reports that allow you to identify problems in your inventory and the necessary actions needed to correct the problem. Click the Retail Stock Ledger link to get a better understanding of what goes on and why. You can drill as deep as you want into the Retail Stock Ledger or build Open To Buy Plans with confidence your numbers are correct.