


POS Software is a Means to an End

The means is the POS software takes all the sales and purchases and puts them in an easy to understand process that is the end result, improved retail performance. As a small retailer, you wear many hats and can’t spend all of your time trying to be an analytical genius. We have built a retailing process that is easy to use and gives you the information needed to improve your retail performance and still have time left over to lead a normal life outside of your business.

Most Point of Sale (POS) software gives you a variety of lists which mean very little because they don’t tie several important factors together. ProphetLine has taken all the information gathered at the inception of the sale and put it into an easy to understand roadmap for success. We do all the heavy lifting by crunching hundreds of variables and you review and make informed decisions. The biggest task the retailer undertakes is defining the department/class structure and reviewing the department/class comparative report of the inventory. Read More…