


The Holiday Season Is a Good Time to Reflect on Your Past Retail Season

The economy is tough and your business is not growing like you want it to. Start with the small things that will improve your business and critique all aspects from the bottom, up. No business can survive without their customer base and keeping existing customers happy should be your number one focus. We are all working so hard on finding new business, we forgot about the potential in maintaining and improving business with the existing customer base. A recent survey indicated it costs six times more to find a new customer than dedicating a small amount of assets to improving service to existing customers. Your POS software should give you all the information you need to make the decisions necessary on which customers to give preferential treatment to. All customers are not the same, so don’t waste valuable time on catering to the bottom feeders.

The next thing you should do is look at your retail business with an open mind and evaluate like a customer would. When you come in the door, is the staff attentive and helpful, is the store neat and orderly, is the inventory selection good for the type of clientele you are seeking? Good POS software can help for some of these issues; common sense should take care of the rest. So start the New Year off right and do one small thing a day to improve your business and look at the difference two months down the road. Your small business is your livelihood, a way of life and your retirement fund. We would like to think, ProphetLine POS Software/Retail Management Systems can help you get there.