


The National Retail Federation Big Show in New York

I just returned from New York at the end of last week and was it great to get home. New York is always enjoyable, but the travel was almost impossible. Everything was backed up in Dallas because of the ice and getting there was nearly a miracle. This show is the biggest show for retail technology and provides a good gauge for what will be important to retailers in the near future.

There wasn’t anything that was earth shattering or so innovative that it took the show by storm. Most everything was last year’s model with a different ribbon and a new name. After doing the NRF Show this year, I felt good about where ProphetLine is and where we are going. ProphetLine POS Software is so fully integrated and feature inclusive, you can run a specialty retail store and never need another product. I can now outline our development schedule this year with the confidence of knowing ProphetLine is going in the correct direction and staying on the leading edge.