



The below instructional videos require the flash plug-in, are best viewed with a resolution of 800 x 600 and with the browser window maximized. If you need the flash plug-in, it can be downloaded by clicking here.

  • New Installation – Installation on a computer which has never had ProphetLine previously installed.
  • First Start – Starting ProphetLine for the first time after a new installation and entering Company Information.
  • System Setup – Step 1 of ProphetLine’s Getting Started section. Entering/Modifying Company Information, setting up Hardware, Printer Outputs, Cash Register Security and Options, Menu Security and Terminology.
  • Adding Departments while in Getting Started or while ‘Live’ – departments can be added while in Getting Started (Step 2 – Edit Data) or after Going Live, but they should be well thought out to maximize your business reporting.
  • Adding Classes while in Getting Started or while ‘Live’ – Classes can be added while in Getting Started (Step 2 – Edit Data) or after Going Live, but they should be well thought out to maximize your detailed business reporting.
  • Creating A New Item – This video will show you how to create a new item in ProphetLine, assign the item to a Department and Class, enter Descriptions, Retail Price, MSRP, Cost, Reorder Points & Quantities, and set ‘Special Settings’.
  • Reports
    • Department Comparative – the Department Comparative report shows a concise overview of the performance of you Departments and/or Classes.
    • Retail Stock Ledger Vendor Comparison – the Vendor Comparison report allows you to see how well vendors are doing with stock turn rate, margins, etc. This allows better control ‘over just in time’ inventory management and fulfillment.
  • Transaction Screen Overview – ProphetLine’s transaction screens share a common layout to reduce training time. The video will highlight the sections of the transaction screen and some of their functions.
  • Simple Transaction – A simple transaction tendered to CASH.
  • Reconciliation – an overview of ProphetLine’s Reconciliation (closing the cash drawer) process.