


With Good POS Software In A Lousy Economy,You Can Make It

Lousy Economy With Good POS Software Keeps You Going Patience is not always a virtue when you are dealing with a lousy economy. You need patience to not force things that cannot happen, but you need to be aggressive in how you are proactively changing your business strategy and doing a better job with the budgeting process. You need to be able to view quick and concise reports from your POS Software that will give you revenue at a departmental and class level as a percentage to your overall inventory. When you find department "A" is 20% of your inventory and 10% of your revenue, you need to do a more in-depth review of that department and make the proper adjustments. The most important thing you should do is compare vendors and find the ones that give you better turns, sell through and margins. If vendor "A" is not as strong as vendor "B", you should tell them and require better pricing or better terms to continue carrying their product line. Good POS Software will give you these statistics and make your New Year a more enjoyable experience. Your goal this year should be to work smart and make the kind of decisions that will move your business to a leadership position in your category. When the economy turns around next year, you will then be in the enviable spot of competitors trying to catch you.